Working Capital Finance
Working capital financing for businesses is offered under the Islamic “Tijara” principles. The facility will enable businesses to meet their working capital requirements, sell their finished goods and subsequently settle Shabelle Bank. Under the “Tijara” principle the Bank will purchase the finished goods of the business. It will appoint the business as its agent to sell the same goods in the market. The facility is settled via the receipts of the sale.
Shariah-compliant product
Up to 36 months repayment period.
Up to 100% financing, of assessed working capital requirements.
Tailored financing package.
Dedicated relationship manager
Low processing fee.
Access to online and SMS banking.
Quick approval process.
Legally registered company carrying out “Shari’ah” compliant core activities.
Evidence of good financial standing and healthy history of banking operations.
Acceptable collateral/guarantor and other guarantees as per the bank’s requirement.
Other requirements (as per financing requirements).